On Feb. 26, the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles announced the winners in the “Teen Safe Driving Video Contest” and West Hartford's Hall High School entry took second place. Branford High was named first place with Coginchaug High School coming in third.
Allstate Insurance provided the $1500 prize awarded to Hall HS that will be used for safe teen driving programs. More than 200 students from around the state participated in this video competition.
Hall’s Graphic Communication students John Faenza and Ben Silverstein’s video came in second from among the over 60 submitted. Hall Technology teacher Dan DeCourcy said that “These two young men are extremely talented and to see them express their ideas so well through video is a teacher's dream.”
The WFSB Channel 3 news segment on the project can been seen at: http://www.wfsb.com/video/18807018/
The full teen safe driving videos can be found at the following site: