Wednesday, January 28, 2009



The Annual Electrathon Meeting is scheduled for:
Date: February 11, 2009
Time: 6:45 PM
Place: Copernicus Hall
Room 101

The 2009 season schedule is just about finalized, and looks to be more exciting than past programs. If you have any topics that you feel need to be placed on the agenda, send them to me by Feb 5, 2009.
Please let me know if you plan on attending by Feb 9, 2009, so that we can make arrangements, guests are welcome.
Mike Grella
76 Chestnut HillLitchfield, CT(860)

Monday, January 26, 2009

CT Teachers, Immerse Yourself in 21st Century Technology

The College of Technology's Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing, in collaboration with Asnuntuck Community College, would like to make you aware of an exciting opportunity happening. Come join us as we explore the exciting and innovative world of Additive Manufacturing Technologies that are used in modern manufacturing, art, animation, medical modeling, architecture, aerospace, and the automotive industry.
You'll also have the opportunity to hear from industry expert Terry Wohlers who has over 27 years experience in the field. Mr. Wohlers has been quoted in The Boston Globe, Business Week, Chicago Tribune, Discover News from the Discovery Channel, The Enomist, FORTUNE, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle and Scientific American to name a few.

Please note: teachers are encouraged to attend on Friday March 27th.

If you would like more information, please go to this brochure.

Click here to register.

PLTW Extends Deadline for New School Registration to March 13, 2009

In order to better accommodate school district and school site decision-making processes and timeframes Project Lead The Way, Inc. has agreed to extend the registration deadline for new school districts and new schools to Friday March 13, 2009. All school districts must register new schools by this date in order to implement the PLTW® program for the 2009-10 school year.

Please visit this link for the online registration page:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Grant Opportunity -- Please note the following opportunity for schools already in PLTW or planning to join PLTW

Please note the following opportunity for schools already in PLTW or planning to join PLTW

New Grant Opportunity

HP Innovations in Education --Secondary School Districts – USA

For over 10 years, Hewlett Packard has offered PLTW schools the opportunity to obtain computers, printers and other hardware at a discount. Hewlett Packard is committed to education and is continuing to partner with Project Lead The Way not only by offering affordable technology but also by offering grant opportunities through special initiatives such as the HP Innovations in Education grant program. This program is open to schools across the country and is a competitive RFP process. PLTW schools have a great opportunity to obtain this comprehensive technology package and enhance their ability to deliver PLTW courses, courses that HP recognizes as an outstanding curriculum that can be maximized by the technology and training included in this special grant opportunity. Please see official announcement below:

HP Innovations in Education

Building on 5 years of experience with the HP Technology for Teaching grant program, HP has just announced a new grant opportunity entitled HP Innovations in Education. HP seeks proposals from school districts in the US that are pursuing the use of technology to enhance academic success in secondary school (middle school and/or high school) math and science. Each award, valued at more than $270,000, will consist of equipment, cash and professional development. Proposals that will be considered should describe how technology will be used to enable innovations in four areas – Leadership Capacity, Digital Learning Environments, the Secondary Student Design & Research Experience, and High-Tech Career Awareness. Visit for more information and to download the Request for Proposals. Applications are due March 30th.

HP seeks proposals from school districts pursuing the use of technology to enhance academic success in secondary school (middle school and/or high school) math and science. Proposals that will be considered will describe how technology will be used to enable innovations in four areas:

· Leadership Capacity – creating a network of school administrators and key teachers who implement innovative approaches to curriculum, instruction, and the use of technology to enhance math/science learning.

· Digital Learning Environments – using technology to fundamentally redesign the learning experience in ways that lead to increased student engagement and academic success; can include innovations in online learning, virtual worlds, gaming for learning, and simulations.

· The Secondary Student Design & Research Experience – making math and science real and relevant by involving secondary students in design and research challenges that address real needs in society; can include local and/or global service learning.

· High-Tech Career Awareness – engaging administrators, teachers, and students in ways that increase awareness and interest in high-tech college
degree programs and careers.

Please feel free to share this exciting news with Superintendents or Assistant Superintendents of Curriculum and Instruction. Here are the key facts:

· HP plans to fund approximately 25 secondary school districts in the USA.

· Each grant is valued at more than $270K in equipment, professional development, and cash.

· Proposals are due March 30th, 2009.

· Applicants are invited to visit to download the Request for Proposals, which describes all the important details

Apply for the Warner Award today and you could win $500.00!!!!

Apply for the Warner Award today and you could win $500.00!!!!

Epsilon Pi Tau has opportunities for undergraduate, graduate, and professionals to win monetary awards through the Epsilon Pi Tau Warner Awards Program. Please see the EPT web site for further information (, go to "Membership Info" on the left hand side of the home page and click on "EPT Awards Program"), or contact your Regional Director, or the International Office if you have any questions.

Submission deadline is Feb. 15, 2009.

Epsilon Pi Tau International Office
Technology Bldg.
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0296
Phone: 419/372-2425
Fax: 419/372-9502

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

CT PLTW Team in Real World Design Challenge

Congratulations to Ken Ludwig and the K-Five Team from Waterbury

The state of Connecticut is proud to be one of the pilot states for the Real World Design Governor's Challenge. This challenge provides high school students, grades 9 – 12, the opportunity to work on real world engineering challenges in a team environment. The Department of Energy issued this years challenge which focuses on aeronautics and energy usage. The teams are now using engineering software programs to design and test the performance of a new fuel efficient wing for an aircraft. Connecticut has two teams vying for a chance to represent the state at the Real World Design Challenge National Finals in Washington, DC in March of this year. Team K-Five represents Kennedy High School in Waterbury, CT and is coached by Ken Ludwig. The students representing K-Five are Klejton Dinkollari, Lefter Dinkollari, Michael Matic, William Betances, and Jordan DeAngelis. Team Falcon represents Xavier High School of Middletown, CT and is coached by Michael Humphreys. The students representing Falcon are Matthew Morrone, Bruce Funteral, Michael Leon, Austin Kelly, Greg Witz, Christopher Muckle, and David Mallick. On Jan 9, 2009 the RWDC Teams were hosted at the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT) by the National Center for Aerospace Leadership (NCAL). The students were greeted by the NCAL Director, Robert Mansfield, who discussed with them the fun that could be had when applying engineering skills to a real world problem. Each team was assigned a mentor from the NCAL program. Nasir Mannon and Cristina Cook, both Manufacturing Software Application Engineers, worked with the teams as they navigated the design software. The state finals will be held on Feb 10th.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Attention Race Fans!!!!!

Attention Race Fans!!!!!

My name is George Deliman. I am a Tech. Ed. teacher at RHAM Middle School in Hebron. Once again, I will be organizing the Alternate Energy Vehicle Race, which was started by John Larkin at CCSU several years ago. It is open to any middle or high school Tech. Ed. program.

There are 2 types of vehicle races; the electric go-kart and the 2 person pedal power, with prize money and a trophy for the top 3 finishers.

The race will be held at the Berlin Go-Kart Track/Batting Cages on the Berlin Turnpike. They have graciously donated the use of their facility for the past 7 years. This year, the race will be held on Wednesday, May 27, from 9:00-2:00.

With your participation, we can get back to the old days of 25 schools competing instead of the few diehards that show up each year. This is my 11th year participating, and its been a blast.

For the new people, it’s easy to get started. A few dedicated kids during class or after school can really get things moving. Many parents and teachers have old bike parts, go kart frames, tires, etc. It doesn’t take anything elaborate. What a wonderful way to combine the hands-on of Industrial Arts with the problem solving of Technology Education. There is no prize for beauty.

If you are not interested, or can’t participate for other reasons, please email me so I can remove you from the mailing list.


George Deliman
RHAM Middle School
25 RHAM Rd.
Hebron, CT 06248
860-228-9423 ext.4122

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Monday, January 5, 2009

Educating the incoming Administration about the Importance of Perkins Funded Career Technical Education

Educating the incoming Administration about the Importance of Perkins Funded Career Technical Education

The Obama Presidential Transition Team is using the webpage to solicit ideas from the American people on issues of concern. This solicitation provides an avenue to educate the incoming Administration about the importance of Perkins funded career technical education and the benefit it is providing millions of students, as well as employers, across the country.

As with any education campaign it is critical that we provide a unified message to help enhance the understanding of CTE which includes Agricultural Education. It is suggested that you keep your message short and to the point and focus briefly on at least one of the following points that is particularly pertinent to your state. The following points are consistent with the message our community has been delivering for the last several months:

• CTE programs are reforming high school curriculum,
• CTE programs are helping keep students engaged in school and preventing drop outs,
• CTE programs are educating and training students who will take jobs in high need, high skill, high wage industries,
• CTE programs enhance cooperation and helps to leverage resources between K-12, community colleges, and businesses.

You can make these comments in either your professional capacity or as a private citizen--whichever approach makes the most sense for you. To get to the web page where you can input your comments go to . Once there, click the Agenda tab, then Education, then Submit Your Ideas.