Saturday, February 28, 2009

State Board Looking for Student Members

Since July 1998, two Grade 12 public school students have been seated on the Connecticut State
Board of Education. The students, who are appointed by the Governor, serve a one-year term,
beginning July 1. This year’s student members, Christine Larson of Trumbull and Brandt Smallwood of Simsbury, have brought unique and valuable perspectives to the Board’s deliberations.

We are now beginning the selection process for the 2009-10 student Board members. The
application package is enclosed. Please post the “Notice to Grade 11 Students” on a centrally
located bulletin board and on your website. The application materials can be downloaded by
accessing the Department’s website: Applications must be postmarked on
or before March 20, 2009. Please distribute this notice to your PTA presidents, student council
members and post throughout your school building.

The State Student Advisory Council on Education (SSACE) will review all applications and will select several students for an interview. A SSACE panel will conduct interviews in April or May and will refer five of those individuals to the Governor for her consideration. The Governor, in turn, will interview the five students and will appoint two students to serve on the Board from July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010.

Please encourage qualified students in your school to submit their applications. I look forward to
your school’s participation in this unique opportunity for students. If you have any questions
concerning the application process, please call Pamela Bergin, Assistant to the Commissioner, at 860-713-6510.