Wednesday, January 21, 2009

CT PLTW Team in Real World Design Challenge

Congratulations to Ken Ludwig and the K-Five Team from Waterbury

The state of Connecticut is proud to be one of the pilot states for the Real World Design Governor's Challenge. This challenge provides high school students, grades 9 – 12, the opportunity to work on real world engineering challenges in a team environment. The Department of Energy issued this years challenge which focuses on aeronautics and energy usage. The teams are now using engineering software programs to design and test the performance of a new fuel efficient wing for an aircraft. Connecticut has two teams vying for a chance to represent the state at the Real World Design Challenge National Finals in Washington, DC in March of this year. Team K-Five represents Kennedy High School in Waterbury, CT and is coached by Ken Ludwig. The students representing K-Five are Klejton Dinkollari, Lefter Dinkollari, Michael Matic, William Betances, and Jordan DeAngelis. Team Falcon represents Xavier High School of Middletown, CT and is coached by Michael Humphreys. The students representing Falcon are Matthew Morrone, Bruce Funteral, Michael Leon, Austin Kelly, Greg Witz, Christopher Muckle, and David Mallick. On Jan 9, 2009 the RWDC Teams were hosted at the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology (CCAT) by the National Center for Aerospace Leadership (NCAL). The students were greeted by the NCAL Director, Robert Mansfield, who discussed with them the fun that could be had when applying engineering skills to a real world problem. Each team was assigned a mentor from the NCAL program. Nasir Mannon and Cristina Cook, both Manufacturing Software Application Engineers, worked with the teams as they navigated the design software. The state finals will be held on Feb 10th.