Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Attention Race Fans!!!!!

Attention Race Fans!!!!!

My name is George Deliman. I am a Tech. Ed. teacher at RHAM Middle School in Hebron. Once again, I will be organizing the Alternate Energy Vehicle Race, which was started by John Larkin at CCSU several years ago. It is open to any middle or high school Tech. Ed. program.

There are 2 types of vehicle races; the electric go-kart and the 2 person pedal power, with prize money and a trophy for the top 3 finishers.

The race will be held at the Berlin Go-Kart Track/Batting Cages on the Berlin Turnpike. They have graciously donated the use of their facility for the past 7 years. This year, the race will be held on Wednesday, May 27, from 9:00-2:00.

With your participation, we can get back to the old days of 25 schools competing instead of the few diehards that show up each year. This is my 11th year participating, and its been a blast.

For the new people, it’s easy to get started. A few dedicated kids during class or after school can really get things moving. Many parents and teachers have old bike parts, go kart frames, tires, etc. It doesn’t take anything elaborate. What a wonderful way to combine the hands-on of Industrial Arts with the problem solving of Technology Education. There is no prize for beauty.

If you are not interested, or can’t participate for other reasons, please email me so I can remove you from the mailing list.


George Deliman
RHAM Middle School
25 RHAM Rd.
Hebron, CT 06248
860-228-9423 ext.4122