Microsoft Corporation recently announced the expansion of the successful Microsoft DreamSpark student program to include high school students worldwide. DreamSpark, originally available only to university students, makes professional-level developer and designer tools as well as training available to students at no charge to support and advance their learning and skills through technical design, technology, math, science, and engineering activities. Here's how it works: if you're a current university or high school student, you can download professional Microsoft developer, designer, and gaming software through DreamSpark at no charge. Among the many available titles are those for website design, game design, and Visual C++. DreamSpark for university students was announced a little more than a year ago, and since then, there have been nearly 2 million downloads from students around the world.
Microsoft believes that giving people the right technology skills and the tools to translate their talent into business success is critical to stimulating the future growth of local and global economies. With a growing IT skills shortage in the global workforce, the need for qualified developers and technologists is greater than ever, but without experience in using the tools and technologies found in business today, it can be challenging for students to break into the professional ranks. With more than 50 percent of today's jobs requiring technology skills, Microsoft recognizes that this means good jobs today and nearly all jobs tomorrow will require critical thinking skills, a solid background in math and science, and the ability to use information technology tools and applications. Find out more at www.dreamspark.com.